At the menu [PROJECTS] you can the project-management-tool of Verpura. This tool gives you the possibility to manage your projects.
Project overview
At the menu [PROJECTS] - [OVERVIEW] you can find the overview of all your projects. You can see in this overview a table with the project-number, the name, the customer and the status of the project. You also have the possibility to delete a project by pressing the delete-button.
Figure: Project Overview
Project archive
Projects with the state “finished” will be automatically moved to the project-archive. You can find this archive at the menu [PROJECTS] - [OVERVIEW] by clicking on the “archive project”-button. The archive is very similar to the project over-view.
Add projects
To add a new project, click at the menu [PROJECTS] - [OVERVIEW] on the button “Add project”. Fill in the opening interface the name of the project, the state at the beginning, the customer, start and ending-date and optionally the approximately use of time and short notices of the project.

Figure: mask to add new project
Edit projects
To edit a project and set more information you have to clicking on the project-overview (menu [PROJECTS] - [OVERVIEW]) at the project in the table.

Figure: mask to modify project details
In this detail view you can edit the details which you have entered before. That means that you can edit the name of the project, the state, the customer, the approximately use of time and the start- and end-date of the project as well.
Additionally you can set the logbook-logs, which are created for the project. Set the setting “logbook-logs will be booked” to “yes”, so the captured logbook-logs are going to be shown with the kilometers on the service. You can set the standard-kilometers in the menu [START] - [SETTINGS] at “delivery-costs-settings” and afterwards change the individual project per customer.
In the middle of the site you can define the payment-details. You can also set the standards about the payment in [START] - [SETTINGS] at “Method of payment” globally and afterwards change the individual uses of your customers. At the customer himself you can also set the “Method of payment”. At the invoice itself, the data can be edited again.
The now mentioned basic settings of a project can be modified anytime. To show this changes you can click on the last modification date ("Last modified on ..."). After this you will see an overview where the changed fields are marked red!

Figure: Versioning of a project
At the right hand-side of the Website you can see different tools:
- Contact: Here you can add the contact of the customer from your project. Just click on “Assign contact” to do this and select the wanted contact-person. You can also delete a Contact from a project by clicking the “delete contact”-button.
- Notes: Here you can edit the notes of your project, for example to save the progress of the project or to save additional information.
- Edit sub-projects and & connections: Here you can edit the sub-projects and the connection between two sub-projects. To edit a sub-project select the wanted sub-project and click on the button “edit sub-project”. To add a connection between to sub-projects select the wanted sub-project and click on the button “add connection”. For more information of adding a sub-project read this.
- Files: Here you can up- and down-load files for a project. Alternative you can find these files also in the menu [FILES] - [COMPANY-WIDE FILE-MANAGEMENT] in the folder “projects” – “project-name”.
Don’t forget to save all changes by pressing the “save project” button.
In the upper area you can find a bar with different buttons for more settings for projects. They are going to be displayed different in every window-size.

Figure: different buttons for project settings
Save your project
One click on this button saves every change which you have done in the project-details.
Copy your project
This option creates a one to one copy of your current selected project. This can be useful if you have many similar projects. Create a new prototype project and define the basic conditions and copy this project every time you need a new project of this type. Project-name, customer, the start- and the end-date are set-able for this project.
In the booking-overview you can find all products, services, and time-bookings which are already booked for the actual project.
The booking-overview is structured like
- Running bookings: bookings which have not been cleared yet.
- Cleared bookings: bookings which have already been cleared.
- Not clearable and copy-able bookings: bookings which can’t be cleared by the customer.

Figure: Booking Overview
Not clearable and copy-able bookings: bookings which can’t be cleared by the customer. The final market price, the reduction (in percent or a fix sum) and the amount of products can be changed at the running bookings. Don’t forget to press the “save”-button every time you changed something.
In the right area you have also the following possibilities for a booking:
- Rebooking: Set a part of a booking or a whole booking to not clearable or book it onto another project.
- Set to clearable: Set this item to offsettable. This is useful, for example, if a service takes a long time to be fulfilled and can only be invoiced after it has been completed.
- Delete: deletes the booking of this project.
With the “edit free text”-button at the left side you can add additional free text to you booking. This can be a better description for the product/service - additional information of the product and so on. It is also possible to make bigger text or to create a list.

Figure: mask to add free text
Clear products/services/stock lists
To clear a product, a service or a stock list click on the according button in the project-detail-view. This can also be done over the according links in the standard-homepage after the login.

Figure: project detail overview
Fill out the location, the date and the amount of the booking and click on the “clear”-button. Next to it you can find 2 more buttons:
Adding free additional products from the supplier: Next to your reductions you can also give the reductions to your customers, which are offered from your suppliers. It works similar as your own reductions, just that it will display it in another way.
In the lower area of the site you can see all bookings of the according type (Product of service), which have already been booked on this project.
Clear a free products / service
Sometimes you need products or services just for one special project – In this case it would make no sense to add the product or the service in the Verpura-product-management or service-management. Use instead of this the possibility to add free services and free products with the according button.

Figure: mask to book product or service for project
Free products and services can be cleared like normal products or services.
Add a sub-project
To have the possibility to organize your projects better, you have can create sub-projects. To add sub-projects click on the button “add sub-projects” and fill out the name, the state, the type, the start- and end-date and the approximately use of time. That is also going to be displayed as a diagram.

Figure: mask to add new subproject
Shows a preview how an invoice would look like for the whole project.
Add an invoice
Add an invoice for this project – You can find the details for adding invoices at the Invoices.
Post calculation
Under the menupoint [Projects] – [Post calculation] you can create a summary of a project.
With the feature of the post calculation you can have an overview of your buying and sales anytime. The result shows if you make a profit or loss with the project. Additional you can compare the generated post calculation with the appropriate offer, and check if the total revenue is correct. The post calculation is for the purpose of control. In the first page of the calculation you can select a time period for which the report should be generated on the left side. All options are open. You can choose a from-to date, or select a period of quarters or half-years. Of course you can also change the year, which is by default the actual business year. On the right side you must select a project for which the post calculation should be calculated and then click on “Create post calculation”.

Figure: Create postcalculation
In the generated report you can clearly see, which timebookings, services and products are booked to the selected project. You can also see the costs, prices, discounts and the total sum to each article. If you want you can export every table as CSV.-, Excel, XML.- or PDF file and print it. At the end of the page you will see the sum of all purchases and the sum of all sellings. By this two sums it is calculated whether you made a profit or a loss. The post calculation helps you to keep the overview of your revenues.

Figure: Project period report