At the main menu at [PRODUCT] you can access to the product management. This gives you the possibility to manage your locations and the product-tree, form different products to stock lists, deliver products to drivers and manage delivery-notes and customer-deliveries to get an overview at the pending product-bookings.
Stock Locations
Before you can create products in Verpura you have to define where you products are stored. This can be for example a company location, a filial or an extern storage.
At the menu [PRODUCT] - [STOCK LOCATIONS] you can find an overview of all already created stock locations. You can easily switch from the displayed over-view table to the column-view with one mouse-click or you can search for a special stock location with the search-bar.
The over-view table is empty at the beginning. You can create a new stock location by clicking on “add stock location”. The only input which has to be filled in is the name of the stock location but you can optionally set the specified address:
Figure: mask to add new storehouse
If you click on [PRODUCT] - [STOCK LOCATIONS] a single entry at the over-view table, the detail-view will appear. In this view you can edit the name or the address of the stock locations. Additional you can see an over-view about all products which are stored in the stock location and the sum of the price from all products.

Figure: mask to modify storehouse
Tip: The way of calculating the purchase- and sale value can be adjusted at [START] - [SETTINGS] in the tab [price/cost-strategies]. More detailed information about this topic you find HERE.
Product management
You can take a look at all your products in the over-view table at the main-menu [PRODUCT] or at [PRODUCT] - [OVER-VIEW]. You can find some useful information in this table. There are – next to the product-details- sold, booked, delivered and available amount of products displayed:
Figure: Products Overview
- Sold products: amount of products, which are already sold.
- Booked products: amount of products, which are already booked on a project.
- Delivered products: products, which are booked on supplier’s orders.
- Consigned products: products, which are booked as customer’s orders.
- Available products: amount of products in the storage (consigned products are subtracted and delivered products are added).
Additional to the search box, you can filter your products by keywords, for example suppliers, storage-locations, amount of products or serial-number).
In this overview you have also the possibility to delete your products. This is of course not influencing your already booked or sold products.
Add products
To add a new product, click at „add product“ in the product-over-view. In the appearing interface you have to fill out the product-name, the accounting unit, the price and the tax rate, optionally you can add a short description, a long description, the costs of the self-production of this product, eventually special taxes, a short notice or a barcode about the product. You can also generate a barcode directly from Verpura.
With just one click on “save product-data” you close the interface.
Usually the tax rates are defined from the beginning in Verpura. If you need specified tax rates you can edit them in the menu [START] - [SETTINGS] in the task tax rates:
Figure: taxes
With just one click on the loupe on the right hand-side of a specific tax rate, you can edit the tax rate. With the button “add tax rate” you can add a tax rate.
Specific taxes
At specific things like beer or wine are set specific tax rates. This is a fix sum of euro per unit, which means that it’s not a percentage like the good and service tax.
You can define a specific tax for you product with the fields “special tax-rate” and “special-tax-sum” at the adding or at the editing. Please attend that you have to write your currency in the “special-tax-sum” field.
If you click on an entry in the product-over-view ( [PRODUCT] - [OVER-VIEW] ) the details of the selected product will appear. In this detail-view you can edit the product-details as you wish.
While saving the changes, you can select one of two variants:
Edit existing entry: edits the actual selected product. This is of course just influencing new booked products from this type. Existing product-bookings are not going to be changed.
Create a new product-entry: The files of the actual products are going to be copied with their changes. The original product stays, the edited product is going to be pasted next to the original one.

Figure: mask to modify product details
Additional to the already explained „add product“ the product details-view brings you following possibilities:
Define differential prices:
Sometimes you will sell a packet of products cheaper than the single product. You can easily define this by the help of our differential prices.
A fictive example:
Your company is selling paper for 0,05€ per sheet. If you buy 1000 sheets the price is 0,045€ per sheet. If you buy 2000 sheets the price is 0,04€ per sheet.
You can define these specifications easily in Verpura by setting the normal price per sheet to 0,05€. At the product-details you define the second differential price (at “differential price” – “add”), one with differential-start 1000 sheets and single price 0,045 and a differential-start 2000 sheets and a single price of 0,04€. So you can work with your differential prices in Verpura.
Add a supplier
For more information to add a supplier in Verpura click HERE.
You can set as many categories to you products as you want. You can add new categories or manage your existing ones in [PRODUCT] - [OVER-VIEW] by clicking on “product-categories”.
Figure: product categories
In the product detail view you can set the category of the actual product or more products by clicking „add category“.
For example a company which sales bikes can add the categories “mountain-bike”, “racing-bike”, “child-bike”, “city-bike” or “e-bike”. A city-bike which also has a electric engine can also be added in the e-bike section.
Store and release products
In the menu “manage and edit stored products” you can manually store or release products. Just set the amount of things you want to store, set the location and the supplier as well. Optionally you can set the minimal amount of stored things. When this amount is reached Verpura is going to inform you.
Verpura is usually managing the amount of products automatically, that means if you book a product on a project or something like that the amount of available products will automatically decrease. If you don’t want Verpura to do that, you can write us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will deactivate this service immediately.
Add files
To every product you can store as many files as you want. These files will be available in your company-wide file-management . You can easily save booklets, offers, descriptions and so on directly at you product and you will have access from everywhere every time. You also have access to these files with the company wide file-management. You can find your files to your special product by clicking on the folder products in the file-management and select the folder with the name of your product.
You can use the already existing Barcodes of your products in Verpura or you can generate new barcodes with Verpura.
At the menu [START] - [SETTINGS] at “create barcode” you can edit the settings for the barcode-generation. Here you can set the length, the height and the type.
If you want to use the existing barcodes of your products you can set them directly at the product creation at the field “barcode” or you can set them afterwards in the product detail view. If Verpura should generate a barcode automatically for you, just let this field empty and check the checkbox “generate barcode”.
At the product detail view you can click on the button “print barcode” or “print barcode with the name and the price of the product” for example with an etiquette-printer.

Figure: barcode without or with description and sales price
These barcodes can be used while booking projects, offers, cash-sells, customer-bills and so on to find the product with the barcode easier. It works with clicking on the search-bar and filling in the barcode of the product.
At [PRODUCTS] - [STOCKLIST] products, which your company sells very often as a set, can be grouped very easily and then they can be billed comfortably together. If your company for example offers a computer-complete solution, it is often like this, that the products of a complete solution are also available separately. Assuming you have the product “Computer A”, “Monitor B” and “Printer C” and you want to offer your customer a complete solution, which includes these three items, the stocklist function of Verpura is the perfect solution for this situation.
With a click at “create stocklist”, you can add a name and a short note. Add afterwards the products "Computer A", "Monitor B" and "Printer C" to your stocklist and you can already bill your new complete solution.
You can also use stocklists to combine products and services to a packet. If you want to create for example a stocklist for the “motorway permit sticker” or the TÜV-plaque of the car, you can summarize the general always-needed products and services (for example mechanic hours) in a stocklist. In addition, required products or services can be billed extra as needed.
A whole stocklist can be added to another stocklist. – In this way Verpura allows to group your products and services optional to make your work as easy as possible.
If you change your stocklist, it affects this – like products and services – not on already billed stocklists, that eventual unwanted bookkeeping errors can be avoided.
Goods amount warning
Verpura offers you the possibility to send automatically warnings of products per email to you, which undercut total or at a specific storage location a defined reporting quantity.
Under [START] – [SETTINGS] at the task “Goods amount warning settings” you can define the email address, to which the warnings should be send.
The global reporting quantity for a specific product can be defined directly at the product details with help of the field “reporting quantity company-wide”. If the total stock of the product falls below the value in ALL your storage locations, a warning email will be sent to the given email.
The reporting quantity per storage location can be set directly when entering or outsourcing the products at the task “add or change stock value”. Fill in therefore the field “reporting quantities of storage location”. If the inventory at this storage location falls below the defined value, you get automatically an email to the email, which you entered at [START] – [SETTINGS].
In addition, you can see at the homepage ([START] – [HOMEPAGE]) the currently actual goods amount warnings at the same-named task:

Figure: product warnings/product instance warnings
Outgoing orders
With the help of your outgoing orders-tool you can generate order from products of you suppliers. read more
Delivery note
Verpura generates full automatically delivery notes for you product-delivery. read more
With one click on [PRODUCT] - [PRODUCT-BOOKINGS] you get an overview at you recently booked products. With help of our filter-settings you can easily filter them on a time-space, project or a booking-status.

Figure: product-bookings
Incoming orders
You can read more about the incoming orders module here.