

The accounting entry tool allows you to capture the key data of accountings electronically, additionally you can take a photograph or a scanned copy of the accounting if the electronically recorded details are not sufficient for your accountant. This data then can be handed over to the tax consultant or accountant for recording and analyzing financial transactions for your company through an export feature.

Apart from the accounting entry directly using Verpura in the browser, you can also use our apps for Android phones and iPhones to capture accountings locally like Fuel receipts, etc. – with the help of the phone’s camera, you can store a photo for the accounting directly.

Accountings Overview

An overview of all your accountings, you can find it under [Accountings] – [Overview]. Accountings are automatically numbered in a financial year.

Like all overview tables in Verpura, you can also sort a column by clicking on the corresponding column header and use the search box to search with a simple term.


Figure: Accountings Overview

Tipps: Almost all tables in Verpura can be searched using search box. Note that also part terms will be found in Verpura, it means that when you have the term “Mustermann” in a row in the table and it will be found through the search keyword “Muster”, “mann” or “usterma”.


Figure: Extended search

By clicking on “Extended search” you can limit Verpura only to search specific columns of the table in the opening box. You only need to select the columns. And using the Control-Key(Ctrl), a multiple selection is possible.

You can also sort the table by clicking one of the column headers. By first click the column will be sorted in ascending and with a second click it will be in descending.


Figure: Column headers

At the end of the table, you also have the option to export the contents of the table as CVS, Excel, XML or PDF.You can export the data from a table in Verpura and then import into other programs or edit it in Excel, etc.


Figure: Export data

Create Accounting

In order to create a new accounting in the accounting management of Verpura, you should click the button “Add accounting” under [Accountings] – [Overview].

Fill at least the ‘date’, ‘text’, ‘category’ and two amounts of pre-tax, after tax or tax in the second field, the third value is automatically calculated for you from the other two values. You can also enter a project which this accounting is assigned to, but this is an optional value.

The accounting categories can be freely adapted to your requirements – as default the categories are for the company in Austria who uses cash-based computer and double-entry bookkeeping and for the company in Germany according to SKR03, SKR04.


Figure: mask to create new accounting

Tipps: Verpura supports split accountings, i.e. Accountings with multiple products from different categories, not directly. But you can easily add two or more accounting entries and use the same scanned picture or photograph for these accountings.

Accounting Details overview

Under [Accountings] – [Overview], you can click a line in the accountings overview table to see the details of the corresponding accounting.

In this details view you can find the previously entered data for the accounting and you also have the possibility to cancel the accounting, delete and upload a photograph or a scanned copy of the accounting.

To cancel or delete an accounting, click the button “Cancel Accounting” and “Delete Accounting” and then confirm the next opening security prompt.

To upload a photograph or a scanned copy of the accounting, use the field in right side “Accounting photos management”, select an appropriate file and click “Upload”.


Figure: Accounting details view with a scanned copy

Cancel Accounting

Due to the legal reasons, after creating a new accounting, this accounting cannot be modified any more. If you find an error in an entry, you should cancel it and re-create it.

Just click the button “Cancel Accounting” in the accounting details view. The selected entry will be removed from the accountings overview table and you can create a correct entry again. When you want to view all canceled accountings, just click the button “Canceled bills” in the accountings overview page.


For each invoice whose status is “Paid”, Verpura automatically creates an accounting with the invoice details for you. – So you do not need to care about the invoices you created in Verpura, they will be automatically posted to the accountings management.


Under [Accountings] – [Summary], you can group a summary of all you created accountings and it will be displayed by category. In the first step, simply select the time period and the optional project for which you want to create the summary and the click the button “Establish abstract”.


Figure: Summary


The export feature in [Accountings] – [Export] allows you to export all your accountings in a given period into an Excel file. In this file, each category will be a sheet in this file and all accountings of this category will be listed in the specified time period.

This excel file can be downloaded and handed over to your tax consultant or accountant.

Advance turnover tax return

Companies are usually obliged to pay sales tax. This is archived basically monthly or every three months. But only the difference between the UVA and sales tax is ingested.

If you recorded all accountings in Verpura, you can see the data under the menu item [Accountings] – [Advance turnover tax return]. You can either transfer the data to the appropriate form of the financial office or transmit it electronically to the same financial online.

ust zeitraumauswahl

Figure: Advance turnover tax return

In this form, the data can be also corrected when the accountings for example were not recorded in Verpura and therefore there is still something need to be changed. There are also special cases that cannot be captured in Verpura – which can also be entered in this form. Information about financial Online is available at

ust voranmeldungsdaten

Figure: modify the data for Advance turnover tax return

Companies that have internet access should also use it here to communicate with the financial office.

umsatzsteuervoranmeldung success

Figure: Confirmation of successfully transmit

To make the automatic transmission to finance online works, the access data should be set once under [Start] – [Settings] and in the field [Financial online].

einstellung finanzonline

Figure: Financial Online settings