With actions you can assign properties to contactpersons. With this it is possible to categorize contactpersons and define target groups. You can choose the kind of the action - it decides which properties are important for the contactperson. A action can also be an appointment, a call, a letter or an email with, from or to a contact. Furthermore a action can also be a ticket where something is to do. In addition a action is also assigned to a Verpura user. One not finished action is also a not done task for this employee. After all you can filter your actions with the contactpersons to create specific actions for them.

Figure: Actions Overview
With the action module in Verpura, tasks, interests, features, etc. of a contact person can be managed very easily. Afterwards contact persons can be filtered with the actions.
The mask for creating an action looks like this:

Figure: mask to create new action
For creating an action, you have to click a “Create new action”. Subsequently the suitable action type has to be selected. If the suitable is not available, in the menu “actions” a new action type can be created. Look for the desired contact person with the in Verpura integrated search function and choose the correct date. When necessary you can also add a note, an editor and a status. For creating an action click on “add action”.
On the standard startsite you can see a todo list. This list shows all open actions of the logged in user and all general open actions which are not set for any user. The list is sorted after the date and the oldest todo is in the beginning. With this one user can enter a recall for another user. Or a teamleader can distribute tasks to his members. With a click on the contactperson or the company you will be linked directly to the data of this person. With a click on the date, actioncategory or note you will see the detail of the action. If you set the action to done, the action will not be shown again in the todo list. If you go to [Contacts] – [Task list] you can see all actions, also these which are already done.

Figure: Overview of open actions