Contact persons

Contact persons can be shown, changed and created in the menu [contacts] – [contact persons]:


Figure: Contact Persons Overview

Tipps: Almost all tables in Verpura can be searched using search box. Note that also part terms will be found in Verpura, it means that when you have the term “Mustermann” in a row in the table and it will be found through the search keyword “Muster”, “mann” or “usterma”.


Figure: Extended search

By clicking on “Extended search” you can limit Verpura only to search specific columns of the table in the opening box. You only need to select the columns. And using the Control-Key(Ctrl), a multiple selection is possible.

You can also sort the table by clicking one of the column headers. By first click the column will be sorted in ascending and with a second click it will be in descending.


Figure: Column headers

At the end of the table, you also have the option to export the contents of the table as CVS, Excel, XML or PDF.You can export the data from a table in Verpura and then import into other programs or edit it in Excel, etc.


Figure: Export data

The selling process can be easily represented by the CRM pyramid.


Contacts: can be modified with self defined properties (=actions). On request we also import contacts for you.

Target groups: send only information that your target group is interested in. Choose your target groups by actions and countryinformations.

Contact: your target groups with personalized e-mail massmails or postal. Or call your contacts. Very important is that the contact never ends. Therefor create resubmissions (actions) or filter all contacts who you have not been in touch for a longer time.

Sale: First you can create an offer and charge it directly. Or you make an offer, generate a project from it and allocate this. You can also create a project without an offer and charge this. From an incoming purchase you can directly generate an invoice - if necessary, with a delivery order between this steps. And you can also generate an invoice directly for a contact.

Contact persons are assigned to a contact. At private persons, contacts and contact person are one. It is possible that a contact exhibit more contact persons. Contact persons can be assigned to different actions, for example interests, features, contacts, etc. In addition, much information can be filed to contact persons.

Create an new contact person


Figure: mask to add new contact person

To create a contact person, go to “create contact person”. Enter at least the required information in the with asterisk marked fields. Subsequently click on “add contact person” to create the contact person.


Figure: mask to administrate a contact person

If you want to change a contact person, click on the corresponding customer dataset. Afterwards you are at “manage contact person”. Now you can edit the appropriate fields.