The Time bookings in Verpura have been extended to implement your private timerecording. You can manage your working time and find this module under the menu point [Projects] - [Time Bookings]. To use this feature you will need some special rights, that you can order on request.
Before explain how you can manage this new feature, is necessary to know how to add time bookings for creating your time recording report
Time bookings:
Time bookings are established from a service and a project:

Figure: mask to add new timebooking
Therefore is also a stopwatch that can be started at the front page of Verpura. Furthermore, a Windows program and a Windows8 app can be downloaded via the Verpura website. The Windows program and the Windows8 app cache also the inputs if there is no internet connection available. In scheduling is, that the Android- and iOS-apps are also being extended with this features.

Figure: Stop watch
National holidays
We have defined for each client depends on his country the National Holidays. For this is necessary to have the right "Control all User Working Time". Then you will see in [Start] - [Master Data] a new section with the National Holidays.

Figure: Austrian National Holidays in 2012
As you can see on the previous figure, a national holiday has the next fields:
- Description
- The date
- The percentage that a user has to work this day
Also is possible to add new national holidays or delete them.
Working Time
For each user is possible to add a default working time, which has the next parameters:
- A default working time for every weekday (Monday, Tuesday, …, Sunday)
- A period (from - till)
- Available Holidays
- Number of initial hours from the last period
This new feature is in [Start] - [Master Data].

Figure: Control time Working
A new time working can be add by a user who has one of the next rights:
- Control all users Working Time
In this case the user can control all the time working that belongs to his client. As you can see in the next capture.
Figure: Control all user time working
- Control your Working Time
He only can manage his working time, so that means that only he is displayed.
Once that we know the difference between both rights we will explain how to manage the working time for a user. When a user click on the image
is possible to add a new working time by filling the field that appear in the next figure:
Figure: Add a working time for a user
In case that the user already has a working time define, is possible to edit the last one by clicking on the image
, but now everything is pre-filled, it is only possible to change the end date from the period.
Private Holidays and Sick Leaves
Apart from the National Holidays by client, we introduce a new object, the private holidays and sick leaves. In this case a user, when he has the right "Control your Working time", can see a new section in [Edit Profile], which display all his holidays or sick leaves.

Figure: User Private Holidays
At this point a user can add or modify his own private holidays or sick leaves. The difference between them is that when a user set a new private holiday, the number of available holidays that he has in his last time recording will be decrease minus one. In case that he add a sick leave nothing, when the time recording is going to be create that date will be taken as the user doesn´t have to work. Take in account that the user can add so many private holidays as the number of available holidays that he has.
In the next capture you can see how the procedure to define a private holiday or sick leave is.

Figure: New Private Holiday
He only needs to write the date and select the type (private holiday / sick leave).
Report Timerecording
Once that the different structures that join the Time recording. We explain how to create a report to get the time recording for a user.
First you have to accomplish the next prerequisites:
- There must be a working time define for the user
- You have to have the right "Generate Time Recording Reports"
Then go to [Projects] - [Time Bookings], select from which period do you want to create a report and for which user. Click on Report.

Figure: Create time recording report
Then you will see a table that summarizes the user time recording taking in account the national holidays from his client, his private holidays or sick leaves and his time bookings. In the next figure you can see an example.

Figure: Table with time recording from a specific user
In the previous table you can see the time recording for one week from a user. Each line of the table represents a day. The table has the next columns:
- Weekday: represents the day of the week
- Date: represents a specific instant in time
- Working time: indicates the working time period got from a time booking
- Expected: Number of hours that a user has to work on this day
- Real: Number of worked hours
- + / - : balance between real and expected hours
- Comments: description of what has the user done that day
At the end of the table appears a green value which is the balance of hours that a user has worked during the period selected. Down the table is displayed the number of available holidays and the initial hours depending on the worked time from the user.

Figure: Available holidays and total balances