Customer orders / Incoming orders
The customer ordering-module of Verpura provides you the possibility to manage the orders of your customers and to charge them after completion in a simple way.
The module can be found at [PRODUCTS] – [CUSTOMER ORDERS]. An overview about all in operation situated customer orders is shown. To set a new customer appointment, click on the button “new order” and insert the customer who has given up the order, and optionally the latest delivery date and the shipping costs.
Figure: mask to add new inbound purchase order
Subsequently, you will be forwarded to the detailed view of new customer orders. Alternatively, you can also access to the detail view of a customer appointment, by clicking at the appropriate entry at the overview table.
At the detail view of the customer appointments, the details of them can be changed and products, which the customer has ordered, can be added to this appointment. Afterwards you have added the ordered products, you can generate an order confirmation, a delivery note and/or an offer.
Tip: Do not forget because of the clarity to adjust if necessary the order status!
Figure: detailed view of new customer orders
When you set the order status to “order is sent/finished”, the appointment will be accounted and the including products deleted of the vERPura-product management. If you set the status to “interrupted” or to “miscellaneous”, the order will be only archived. For information how to generate an invoice of an appointment, you can read here…
The following diagram shows which modules of Verpura change the stock of products. In Verpura the stock of each storehouse is handled separately. As the stock of each product and storehouse is counted, the storehouse is the center of the diagram. If your company does not have different storehouses you can work with one central storehouse.

- The stock of your products is reduced when you create a project from an offer and select the product to be taken over to the project:
- Products are also taken from the storehouse when you create an invoice from an offer. If you cancel an invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The amount of products in your storehouse will also be reduced when you book a product on a project:
If you cancel a project-invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- Outgoing purchases can be used to order products from your suppliers and automatically manage the stocks for purchased products. These products are added to your storehouse when you change the status of an outgoing purchase to „finished“.
- Products are taken from the storehouse when you set the status of an incoming purchase to “finished”.
- You can adjust the stock of your products in the product management module of verpura in the fieldset „Add or modify storehouse level“:
To add products enter a positive amount in the field „Amount“, if you want to reduce the amount of products enter a negative number.
- If you make a cash sale or a customer invoice the products are also taken from your storehouse. If you cancel the invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The stock of the products on a delivery order will be reduced when you set the status to „delivered”.
Here an example how an inbound purchase order could look as an PDF file. Designs can be changed on request!
Figure: Inbound purchase order as PDF file
As extension to Verpura you can use the interfacesolution from the company Sermocore. Sermocore offers the possibility to transmit all accountings (invoices, offers, orders, and so on) to a corporate client in a digital form. This client can use this data and import it automatically into his programm. The fileformat of the accounting can also be changed - exactly to this format, that your partner company supports. This feature is an extension of vERPura - Contact us for adding this module to your user.