The following diagram shows which modules of Verpura change the stock of products. In Verpura the stock of each storehouse is handled separately. As the stock of each product and storehouse is counted, the storehouse is the center of the diagram. If your company does not have different storehouses you can work with one central storehouse.

- The stock of your products is reduced when you create a project from an offer and select the product to be taken over to the project:
- Products are also taken from the storehouse when you create an invoice from an offer. If you cancel an invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The amount of products in your storehouse will also be reduced when you book a product on a project:
- Outgoing purchases can be used to order products from your suppliers and automatically manage the stocks for purchased products. These products are added to your storehouse when you change the status of an outgoing purchase to „finished“.
- Products are taken from the storehouse when you set the status of an incoming purchase to “finished”.
- You can adjust the stock of your products in the product management module of verpura in the fieldset „Add or modify storehouse level“:
- If you make a cash sale or a customer invoice the products are also taken from your storehouse. If you cancel the invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The stock of the products on a delivery order will be reduced when you set the status to „delivered”.